Registered Student Organization Funding
Fall 2024 Event Funding Application
- To use OSO event funding, RSOs must submit this online application through UNC’s Engage platform, BearConnect. See more information on OSO's event funding below.
The Office of Student Organizations (OSO) offers many financial resources to help Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) host events for UNC students.
- To access funds, the student must be a Financial Authority. Advisors are not allowed to request or access OSO funds. Please see more information below on Financial Authorities.
- In addition to applying for event funding through the Office of Student Orgs, clubs also have a club bank account through the Student Club Business Services. To deposit funds (such as dues or fundraising profits) or to manage your account, contact them by clicking the button below.
Contact Student Club Business Services
Student Club Business Services Location: University Center, 2nd Floor, next to Card Office